VI. This is a Man of Generous Spirit
Verse 1
I have the1 pleasure2 of representing
Michael and the honor of having met some of the members
Of his family who are present here today3
The group is larger than I’ve met4
But it includes his mother
Father and his wife and children
And his brother and his sisters
Along with a niece
I would like to address
The significance
Of the decision
Made by5 Michael6
Chorus 1
To cooperate with the D.O.J.7
Verse 2
He came forward to offer evidence
Against the most powerful person in our country
He did so not knowing what the result would be
So respectfully this is not a standard case of cooperation8
This is a man of generous spirit
He puts his whole body into it
And his first instinct is to help9
No friend in need has ever been turned away10
Chorus 2
Especially11 not the12 D.O.J.13
He will14 continue to15 do16 what they say17
No friend in need has ever been turned away18
Especially19 not the20 D.O.J.21
Life is tough and Michael accepts that22
We23 will not24 explain the conduct away25
This is a man of generous spirit26
1 Guy Petrillo, Michael Cohen’s attorney (p. 5 of “Transcript of Sentencing Hearing, US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 665 of “TMR”, TWP edition])
2 GRU (Russia’s largest military intelligence agency) officers, posing as Guccifer 2.0 (an identity that started releasing stolen documents from DNC networks in 2016), tried to communicate with a former Trump Campaign member: “thank u for writing back…do u find anyt[h]ing interesting in the docs I posted?...please tell me if I can help u anyhow…it would be a great pleasure to me” (p. 44 of “TMR,” Volume I [p. 106 of TWP edition])
3 Petrillo (p. 5 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 665 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
4 Petrillo (pp. 5-6 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [pp. 665-666 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
5 Petrillo (p. 6 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 666 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
6 Petrillo (p. 1 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 661 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
7 Petrillo (p. 6 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 666 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
8 Petrillo (p. 7 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 667 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
9 Petrillo (p. 10 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 670 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
10 Petrillo (p. 11 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 671 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
11 Michael Cohen: “My mom, my dad, this isn’t what they deserve to see in their older age, especially when as a child they emphasized to all of us the difference between right and wrong. And I’m sorry” (p. 28 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 688 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
12 Petrillo: “It is not the case that Mr. Cohen has declined to answer questions from the Southern District” (p. 14 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 674 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
13 Petrillo (p. 6 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 666 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
14 Although Cohen hesitated to agree to “a long-term cooperation agreement” with the Southern District (“because he wants both to remove himself and to remove his family from the glare of the cameras…”), “none of this is to say he will not make himself available for questioning on investigated matters…” (p. 14 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 674 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
15 Petrillo: “The Special Counsel says Mr. Cohen has gone to significant lengths to assist the investigation, providing information on core topics under investigation, and is committed to continue to assist” (p. 8 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 668 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
16 Petrillo: “It is not the case that Mr. Cohen has declined to answer questions from the Southern District…He’s ready to do that” (p. 14 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 674 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
17 Petrillo: “There is only so much that we can say about the particulars at this time…but we hope that we have sufficiently outlined for the Court that…they were helpful. Finally, your Honor, what we want to highlight for this Court is that…Mr. Cohen’s assistance…has provided valuable information” (p. 19 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 679 of “TMR,” TWP edition] )
18 Petrillo (p. 11 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 671 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
19 Petrillo (p. 28 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 688 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
20 Petrillo (p. 14 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 674 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
21 Petrillo (p. 6 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 666 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
22 Petrillo (p. 13 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 673 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
23 Petrillo (p. 13 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 673 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
24 Petrillo (p. 14 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 674 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
25 Petrillo (p. 13 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 673 of “TMR,” TWP edition])
26 Petrillo (p. 10 of “US v. Michael Cohen,” [p. 670 of “TMR,” TWP edition])